Connecting What Matters
Building the future of cigar commerce, one message at a time.
The Power of Text Message
Every great cigar moment starts with a connection. We make those connections count.
The reality is simple
- Shops need a better way to reach customers.
- Customers miss rare releases.
- Brands lack direct customer connections.
We're changing that.
CigarPhone puts the power of text message in your hands. Simple technology that turns every message into an opportunity.
- For the shops that built this industry.
- For the customers who keep it alive.
- For the legendary brands writing their next chapter.
We're creating a world where:
That's why we made it simple.
That's why we made it powerful.
That's why it works.
Simple technology.
Powerful connections.
Real results.
The future of cigar commerce is in your hands.
A pioneer in the digital cigar space since creating the first social network for cigar smokers in the early 2000s with Social Cigar. His deep industry experience includes serving as Camacho Cigars' Director of Digital Marketing during the Davidoff acquisition, supporting Room 101's brand launch, and contributing to Cigar Snob Magazine.
With a proven track record of scaling global sales operations at JBL, Ralph brings his strategic vision and deep understanding of technology to revolutionize the premium cigar industry. His expertise in building world-class sales organizations is helping cigar brands and retailers embrace a new era of digital transformation, creating seamless experiences for cigar enthusiasts worldwide.
Friends since 1995, Ralph and Gianni have collaborated throughout their careers. Their shared passion for cigars and technology led them to create CigarPhone, combining their expertise to solve the industry's biggest challenges.
Ready to Transform Your Business?
Join the network that's revolutionizing cigar commerce through text message.
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