

Where cigar legends are still made on street corners with a domino tap, an espresso shot, and a handshake.

Discover Miami

Miami commands respect as a city where cigar culture isn't just preserved—it's thriving and evolving. From the heart of Little Havana, where domino players trade stories over strong coffee and premium smokes, to the modern offices of major cigar brands who've made Miami their corporate home, the city lives and breathes tobacco tradition.

The streets tell stories of cigar heritage, with family-owned factories and shops passed down through generations. In historic venues like the iconic Domino Park, seasoned players challenge each other daily, their games accompanied by the gentle tap of cigar ash and animated discussions of baseball and politics. Little Havana's Calle Ocho remains the epicenter, where master rollers demonstrate their craft in shopfront windows and contemporary cigar brands maintain their international headquarters.

Beyond the traditional haunts, Miami's cigar scene extends into modern territory. High-end retailers stock rare releases alongside Miami-exclusive blends, while new lounges combine classic smoking rooms with contemporary luxury. The city's position as a global hub means direct access to limited editions and new releases, often before they reach other markets.

Whether you're sharing stories with old-timers over dominoes and cigars, visiting the offices of industry legends, or discovering small-batch releases in family-run shops, Miami offers an authentic connection to cigar culture that's both rooted in tradition and driving the industry forward.