Antillian Cigars
Cigar Shops
Antillian Cigars stands as a distinguished cigar company nestled in the heart of Miami's vibrant Little Havana neighborhood. With a rich heritage rooted in Cuban-American cigar traditions, the company has been a cornerstone of Miami's cigar manufacturing scene for decades. Formerly known as Sosa Cigars, Antillian Cigars produces the renowned Sosa Classic line, masterfully crafted in the Fuente factory in the Dominican Republic.The company specializes in premium cigars featuring Dominican filler and Ecuadorian Sumatra wrappers, with their Imperio Cubano Miami Natural line receiving particular acclaim for its consistent burn quality and complex flavor profile. Operating primarily during weekday business hours from 8:30 AM to 5 PM, Antillian Cigars serves both local enthusiasts and international cigar aficionados.Visitors and customers appreciate the company's commitment to traditional cigar-making techniques, maintaining the artisanal craftsmanship that has defined Miami's cigar culture. Their strategic location in the historic Little Havana area further enhances their reputation, positioning them as a key player in preserving and advancing the rich cigar-making legacy of the Cuban-American community.